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Cambridge Forum

Let Cambridge Forum change your mind....

Cambridge Forum hosts free, public discussions that inform and engage, so that people can better explore the varied issues and ideas that shape our changing world. CF broadcasts its live events via podcasts, weekly NPR shows and online presentations via GBH Forum Network on YouTube.


  • Virtual
    Cambridge Forum explores some indigenous thinking mixed with a little magic, talking to Jess Housty about her debut poetry collection, CRUSHED WILD MINT.

    Jess Housty is a Haíɫzaqv parent, writer, and land-based educator from the community of Bella Bella, BC. Housty lives in unceded ancestral homelands where she works in community building, food sovereignty, and leadership development. She is a freelance contributor to The Tyee and in addition to her debut poetry collection from Nightwood Editions, she has a forthcoming collection of essays due out shortly from Magic Canoe Press.

    Housty’s writing is enmeshed in her indigenous roots and values, “wealth is measured not by what you’ve accumulated but by what you give away. True abundance comes from community and turning a gift into more gifts”. She demonstrates this beautifully in “Sixty-Eight Plums”, a surprise bag of plums appears on her doorstep and provides an opportunity for her to carry the joy forward by making jars of plum jam, to leave at neighbors’ doors.

    Sixty-Eight Plums (by Jess Housty)

    When sixty-eight golden plums appear like a bowl of phosphorescence on your stoop, look both upward
    and all around you
    when you give a little thanks.

    It is no small feat
    that they have arrived here:

    Someone planted trees,
    smiling to themselves at the foolishness of growing plums in this climate
    where the rain makes everything soft— makes everyone soft.

    And for more than one hundred years the trees have probably not been tended but certainly been spared the axe
    and the lightning and unhappy accidents, and survived to delight you.

    And this week, this week of softening
    and relentless rain, someone lifted their hand level with their heart or higher—
    sixty-eight times to the branches
    while shaking the weather
    out of their hair—
    and doing this, they thought of you.

    So plunge your clean hands in the bowl (What else is there to do?)
    and pick out the stems and leaves;
    tear into the rain-soft flesh,

    the sun-bright flesh, to pry out the pits;
    and think of how you will carry forward joy when you leave jars of warm jam
    on many doorsteps in the morning.
    Cambridge Forum
  • Are there simple steps we can all take in our everyday lives to promote empathy, overcome difference and forge lasting connections? Yes, says Stanford Psychologist Geoffrey L. Cohen, whose scientific research offers proof that concrete solutions exist and work. Cambridge Forum invites you to join the discussion on whether we can learn how to build bridges to belonging.

    We all yearn to belong but most of us don't fully appreciate that need in others. Sometimes, inadvertently, we threaten others' sense of belonging. Yet even small acts can establish connection, brief activities such as reflecting on our core values and practices that Cohen terms " situation-crafting" have been shown to lessen political polarization, improve motivation, combat racism and enhance health and wellbeing in ourselves and others.

    Cohen's work examines the processes that shape people's sense of belonging and self, and implications for social problems. He studies the big and small threats to belonging and self-integrity that people encounter in school, work, and health care settings, and strategies to create more inclusive spaces for people from all walks of life. He says he's inspired by Kurt Lewin, "The best way to try to understand something is to try to change it."
    Cambridge Forum
  • Cambridge Forum’s OUT OF SIGHT accompanies two men, Mark Erelli a musician and Andrew Leland a writer, on their separate journeys from the world of sightedness to one of blindness. Mark Erelli was performing in 2020, when he looked down at his guitar and couldn’t see his fingers on the frets. A subsequent diagnosis of RP (retinitis pigmentosa) provided some answers, but many new questions. Does diminished eyesight decrease one’s insight? What does it mean to be ‘fully seen’ by oneself and others?

    These questions, along with Erelli’s drive to regain his creative agency, formed the basis for “Lay Your Darkness Down.” In THE COUNTRY OF THE BLIND: a memoir at the end of sight, Andrew Leland is suspended in the liminal state of the soon-to-be blind. Midway through his life with RP, he now sees the world as if through a narrow tube. Soon - he doesn’t know when – he will lose his sight. Leland embarks on a sweeping exploration of the state of blindness including his changing relationships with his wife, son, and self. His book represents his determination not to merely survive the transition but to grow from it – a state of being few of us know much about but from which we have much to learn.
    Cambridge Forum
  • The effort to destroy facts and make American ungovernable didn’t come out of nowhere.  It is the culmination of seventy years of strategic denialism, according to Lee McIntyre.  In “On Disinformation” he shows how the war on facts began, and how ordinary citizens can fight back against the scourge of disinformation that is now threatening the very fabric of our society. McIntyre explains how autocrats use propaganda to manipulate the populace and deny obvious realities, why the best way to combat disinformation is to disrupt its spread and offers ten smart steps to fight back and win the war against truth.
    Cambridge Forum
  • Many people think that America is coming apart at the seams, for a variety of reasons. Most glaringly, polarization has split entire communities, dividing friends and families from each other so that prospects for the next election look grim. However, there might be some good news on the horizon. Literally. Recent research shows that one way to improve voter activity, decrease polarization and boost municipal bond rating is to inject community news into people’s lives. Local news, it would seem, acts as a binding agent for democracy.

    Charles Sennott, founder and Editor of The GroundTruth Project discusses with a panel of journalists and media entrepreneurs from around the country how delivering local news can glue democracy back together.
    Cambridge Forum
  • Award-winning author and Guardian columnist, Naomi Klein has departed from her usual topics with this newest book which enters more personal territory. Doppelganger uses the fact that Klein has often been mistaken for author Naomi Wolf, as a jumping-off point to explore conspiracy theories and what Klein calls the “Mirror World”. Klein looks at how “far-right movements feign solidarity with the working class, AI-generated content blurs the line between genuine and spurious, and new-age wellness entrepreneurs turned anti-vaxxers further scramble our familiar political alliances.” Doppelganger explores “what it feels like to watch one’s identity slip away in the digital ether, an experience many more of us will have in the age of AI”.
    Cambridge Forum
    Harvard Book Store
  • Cambridge Forum kicks off a new series considering the changing nature of work with SIMONE STOLZOFF, journalist and author of THE GOOD ENOUGH JOB: Reclaiming Life from Work.

    From the moment we ask children what they want to “be” when they grow up, we teach them a fateful lesson: we are what we do. For many Americans, jobs have become akin to a religious identity – they provide a paycheck, but also meaning, community and a sense of purpose. The question is at what cost and are we asking too much of our jobs, to fulfill all these needs. Stolzoff examines how work has come to dominate our lives and why we find it difficult to separate identity and self-worth from our jobs. He also explains what we lose when we expect too much from our careers and offers strategies on how to build a healthier relationship with work.

    The Good Enough Job punctures the myths that keep us chained to our jobs and asks us to consider how to divide who we are, from what we do.

    It questions the spin that employers tell us about the value of our labor and makes the case for reclaiming our lives in a world centered around work.
    Cambridge Forum
  • “And as the summer unfolded, it became evident that it’s not just smoke, and not just Canada. This has been the summer from climate hell all across the Earth, when it ceased being possible to escape or deny what we have done to our planet and ourselves” says Professor Michael Flannigan, of Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops, British Columbia, who has been studying the interaction of fire and climate for over 35 years. “Temperatures are rising at the rate we thought they would, but the effects are more severe, more frequent, more critical. It’s crazy and getting crazier.” NYT August 23, ’23

    Following the most bizarre climatic summer on record, Cambridge Forum starts its new season by considering what our uncertain future holds, in a new series: “Living on Borrowed Time”. In this first program, Cambridge Forum talks to Jeff Goodell, NY bestselling author and contributing editor at Rolling Stone; and Dr. Mike Flannigan, Research Chair for Predictive Services, Emergency Management and Fire Science at Thompson Rivers University and the Scientific Director of the Canadian Partnership for Wildland Fire Science.

    Goodell has covered climate change for more than two decades for Rolling Stone. His latest book, “The Heat will Kill You First” presents a searing examination of the impact that rising temperatures will have on our lives and on our planet.

    Dr. Flannigan has been studying fire and weather/climate interactions including the potential impact of climatic change and lightning-ignited forest fires for over 40 years.

    Join this important discussion in our Zoom webinar and don’t forget to tell your friends – your future may depend upon it.
    Cambridge Forum
  • 64 Americans die by firearm suicide daily — that is one death every 22 minutes - this tragic statistic segues to the subject of Cambridge Forum's final talk of the current series ,"GUNFIGHT: is healthy gun ownership ever possible?"

    Join Ryan Busse, former executive at Kimber America, a major gun manufacturer and author of the book "Gunfight" on Tuesday, June 27.Busse will talk about his battle with the gun industry which he says, has radicalized America. He is a senior adviser for Giffords, a gun violence prevention group led by Gabby Giffords, former Arizona congresswoman who was a victim of a mass shooting in 2011.

    Ryan Busse is joined by Dr. Mark I. Langdorf, Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine at the University of California, Irvine, and serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. He sees emergency patients at the Level I Trauma center at the University of California, Irvine, Medical Center. Langdorf speaks, consults, and teaches locally, nationally, and worldwide on optimum care of emergency patients.

    ### Resources
    Study on the energy of riffle bullets - The Bullets He Carried https://escholarship.org/uc/item/7j5344pt
    NewYork Times Articles on why people buy guns -(paywall) https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/23/health/gun-violence-psychology.html?campaign_id=0&emc=confirmation_hh&instance_id=0&nl=system®i_id=189155058®i_id=189155058&segment_id=0&user_id=d6a49fd801884db732db1af29358c222
    Cambridge Forum
  • Suicide rates are rising at an alarming rate in America and the populations most at risk are no longer white middle-aged men, they are increasingly young people and minorities; sadly this phenonenon is not just confined to the United States. **Cambridge Forum** considers what societal ills might be fueling this and whether we can do more to recognize and remedy this tragic trend. **Clancy Martin** is a Professor of Philosophy at the University of Missouri in Kansas City. He is also a happily married father of five children. His latest book, “How Not to Kill Yourself” is a portrait of the suicidal mind - his own - and in it he provides both a personal account of the multiple attempts he had made to end his life but also the positive strategies he has devised to safeguard his own future and that of others. ** Professor Rory O'Connor** is Professor of Health Psychology at the University of Glasgow, Scotland and **President of the International Association for Suicide Prevention. **
    Cambridge Forum