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Free online lectures: Explore a world of ideas

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Pop Culture

Talks curated around the ideas, celebrities, and media permeating our everyday lives.

  • Frank Abagnale, who evolved from being a brilliant young mastermind of international deception and fraud into one of the world's most respected authorities on forgery and embezzlement, tells his life story. His intercontinental saga prompted Steven Spielberg to turn Abagnale's life into the movie *Catch Me If You Can* starring Leonardo DiCaprio.
  • Jennifer Camper, queer comic artist and editor of the new comic anthology Juicy Mother, brings contributing artists together to discuss comics as an expressive medium that is not representative enough in terms of diversity of perspectives. The stories in Juicy Mother are an exuberant and carefree celebration of artistry and diversity. Included are stories about an African-American gay man coming of age; an Arab Muslim lesbian searching for her identity; two big hairy men having a sappy wedding; and a cynical Latina teen battling the cosmos. In a genre especially known for being dominated by straight, white men, Juicy Mother is an alternative to alternative comics. The collection places emphasis on the voices least represented in the comic world. Contributors to Juicy Mother include: Alison Bechdel, Jennifer Camper, Howard Cruse, Diane DiMassa, Michael Fahy, Leanne Franson, Joan Hilty, G.B. Jones, Rupert Kinnard, Robert Kirby, Karen Platt, Ariel Schrag, Serpilla, Robert Triptow, Ivan Velez, Jr., and Stephen Winter. Co-sponsored by Simmons College Institute for Leadership & Change.
    Center for New Words
  • Charles McNair, author of *Land O'Goshen*, introduces and interviews author Chuck Palahniuk about his latest bawdy release, *Snuff*. This event is co-sponsored by the Georgia Center for the Book. Advisory: Adult Content. Some of Palahniuk's other books include *Rant*, *Diary*, and *Haunted*. Palahniuk lives in the Pacific northwest.
    Georgia Perimeter College
  • Moderated by Isaiah Jackson, various panelists come together to discuss the politics, identities and cultures that have been emerging from the hip-hop movement. In its varied aspects, hip-hop embraces music, art, and dance. Emerging in the early 1970s from the African American and Latino communities of the Bronx, hip-hop culture has evolved into a creative force drawing an economically and culturally diverse international audience. Defying controversies and negative labels associated with hip-hop, artists and activists are increasingly collaborating to move hip-hop in the direction of greater political engagement and social responsibility. Today, hip-hop has the potential to serve as a positive agent for change at the community and national levels. Cosponsored by the Boston Athenaeum and The Partnership.
    Boston Athenaeum
  • *Rolling Stone* writer Rob Sheffield discusses his book *Love Is a Mix Tape*, which examines life, love, and death in terms of music, specifically a set of mixtapes from throughout his relationship with Renee, the spunky punk rocker he married and eventually lost to a pulmonary embolism. After the reading, local band The Swear takes the bookstore stage and plays some rock.
  • Heather Rae (producer of Frozen River) moderates a panel discussion about acting for independent films. Panelists include Amy Redford (director of The Guitar); Gillian Jacobs (of Choke); Summer Bishil (of Towelhead); Misty Upham (of Frozen River); and Jane Lynch (of Best in Show, A Mighty Wind).
    Provincetown International Film Festival
  • Television writer and director Joss Whedon receives the third annual 2009 Outstanding Lifetime Achievement Award in Cultural Humanism. The award, previously presented to novelist Salman Rushdie and punk rocker (and evolutionary biologist) Greg Graffin, is sponsored by the Humanist Chaplaincy at Harvard and the Harvard Secular Society. The creator of the long-running television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Whedon explores the moral foundation of a humanistic universe. **Joss Whedon** is the Academy Award and Emmy Award-nominated creator of the TV shows Firefly and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, this past summer's media-redefining Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, and the new Fox show Dollhouse. Whedon has a devoted following of fans, including the online web community whedonesque.com. In addition to his art, he has also been active in promoting women's rights through his work with Equality Now, an organization that honored him in 2006.
    Cambridge Forum
  • Philosopher and sociologist Slavoj Zizek discusses his new book, The Monstrosity of Christ: Paradox or Dialectic?, and explains how the Christian concept of the "toxic neighbor" impacts political, economic, sexual, and cultural thought. This event is presented by the Harvard Book Store, in cooperation with the Brattle Theatre and the MIT Press.
    Harvard Book Store
  • David Janssen, Edward Whitelock, and Josh Hunter discuss their books that link death and the musical genre that's still going strong- Rock'n'Roll. Janssen and Whitelock's book, *Apocalypse Jukebox*, leaps from David Koresh and Charles Manson through the music of Coltrane, Dylan and Leonard Cohen. Hunter's book, *The 27s*, sheds light on the coincidence of the deaths of several rock stars near their 27th birthdays. This event was hosted by Decatur CD.
    A Cappella Books
  • Journalist and activist Barbara Ehrenreich discusses her book, *Bright-Sided: How the Relentless Promotion of Positive Thinking Has Undermined America*. She shares how her own experience dealing with breast cancer showed her that the dogma of the positive thinking movement can lead to individual self-blame, and how institutional disregard for possible negative outcomes led to the national housing crisis. Americans have a singular capacity for glossing over hardships with exhortations to "look on the bright side." The oft-prescribed power of positive thinking is certainly capable of altering our outlooks, but as Ehrenreich argues in her new book, this is not entirely for the better. This is Ehrenreich at her provocative best--poking holes in conventional wisdom and faux science, and calling for existential clarity and courage.
    Harvard Book Store