Hawaii School Counselor Association

(808) 626-3350, x2230 PO Box 11359, Honolulu, HI 96828
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The Hawaii School Counselor Association (HSCA) was formed as a chapter of the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) in 1962. HSCA is the professional organization for School Counselors in the State of Hawaii for both public and private school Counselors. HSCA represents all Counselors on all islands in Hawaii and strives to be the voice for all Counselors serving students.

The main goals of HSCA are to provide networks, resources, and professional development for our membership. Networking with fellow counselors in your grade level, district, complex, or state provides additional supports, learning, and development for Counselors in a professional setting. Despite numerous educational training in Hawaii, there are few avenues where School Counselors can receive professional development training specific to their jobs. HSCA produces a statewide conference every other year with sessions specifically designed to address current School Counseling issues. HSCA also works to provide additional development via research, newsletters, and smaller trainings to keep Counselors highly qualified in their roles and positions.

HSCA is a non-profit organization and is open to all School Counselors.



Scott Miyagi

School Counselor, Mililani Mauka Elementary School


Eunice Fukunaga

School Counselor, Waipahu High School

Immediate Past President

Lisa Okazaki

School Counselor, Wahiawa Elementary School


Jason Kawaguchi

School Counselor, Hale Kula Elementary School


Randall Fong

School Counselor, Sacred Hearts Academy