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Vehicle Donation

Thinking about selling your car, boat, motorcycle, truck, or other vehicle? Donate it to GBH instead!

Take part in our Vehicle Donation Program and support the television and radio programs you love on GBH, and receive a tax deduction when you itemize your return.

WGBH 2 Mobile

Here's How It Works

All you need is a clear title, and we'll take care of the rest, including pickup, at no cost to you.

Once your vehicle has been sold, you'll be sent a receipt for your tax records, and the sale proceeds will be donated to GBH in your name. You'll receive a one-year membership to GBH.

To learn more about this quick and easy way to donate to GBH, visit our vehicle donation website or call 866-400-9424.

Vehicle Donation FAQ

The world is changing fast and so are we.

Together, we can create a more connected and informed world. With your support, GBH will continue to innovate, inspire and connect through programs you value that meet today’s moments.