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You & Julia

This Month's Featured Recipe:

Apple Charlotte

_Screen Shot 2021-08-17 at 11.50.34 AM.png
Amy Traverso's Apple Charlotte
Meghan Smith Screenshot, You & Julia

Julia Child's birthday is August 15th, so to commemorate her birthday month, Amy Traverso, co-host of GBH's 'Weekends with Yankee' and author of "The Apple Lover's Cookbook" cooks up a sweet tribute: Apple Charlotte, a dessert with classic French flavors: apple, butter, vanilla and rum. Plus, it's the perfect way to welcome fall in New England. Watch Amy cook alongside Julia.

“You & Julia” is a GBH-produced digital video series that brings the magic of Julia Child to viewers like you from the home kitchens of chefs and food personalities throughout Greater Boston and beyond.